Nurtured by Nature, Crafted with Care

No antibiotics, no growth stimulants!

Fresh eggs for you every day!

From farm to table, our poultry is simply incredible!

Welcome to our farm

About Freedom Farms

A Healthier Path

Humane Practices, Happy Animals
Grass to Table Excellence
Quality You Can Trust

Everything we do is imbued with a deep-rooted belief in the power of honesty, quality, and natural farming practices.

Questions about our products?

Call or Text Us!
(325) 665-7973

High-quality eggs

Our numbers prove the constant improvement in the quality of our products

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Freedom Farms Mission Statement

Our mission is rooted in responsible and ethical farming practices. We are here to cultivate a better world by nourishing people with the highest-quality products.

Farming is our rebellion, a powerful act of defiance against the tide of impersonal, mass-produced food. It’s a declaration that we choose authenticity over artificiality, connection over disconnection, and the vibrancy of the land over sterile, cold laboratories.

When we till the soil, tend to our animals, and nurture the earth, — we challenge the status quo. We stand as rebels with a cause, reclaiming the age-old art of farming as a revolutionary act of preserving heritage, sustaining health, and nurturing our planet.

In this act of rebellion, we find our freedom and our future, and we invite you to join us in this delicious, daring defiance against the ordinary.

Freedom Farms is a clarion call to real food, good food, and slow food.

Our gallery

Our Happy Animals

At Freedom Farms, our commitment to providing exceptional food begins with the heart of our operation—our animals. We wholeheartedly believe that happy animals are the cornerstone of better food, and our practices reflect this belief in every way:

Our animals are not confined to factory farms or crowded feedlots. Instead, they thrive in the open, natural pastures of Freedom Farms. Here, they experience the freedom to graze on native grasses, bask in the sunshine, and live the way nature intended.

Who is Freedom Farms For?

Health-Conscious Adults and Families

For those who prioritize their well-being and the well-being of their loved ones, Freedom Farms is a trusted source of nourishment. We cater to health-conscious adults and families who seek the highest-quality.

Homesteaders and Sustainability Enthusiasts

Our regenerative farming practices and commitment to ethical agriculture resonate deeply with those who embrace self-sufficiency and wish to tread lightly on the Earth.

Conscious Consumers

Our products are a choice for conscious consumers who care deeply about where their food comes from and how it's raised. No GMOs, no preservatives, no added chemicals, no inhumane conditions.



What people say about us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Ethan Brown

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Your Path to Farming Success

In today’s age, farming is an act of rebellion. When we farm, we are saying “no” to lab-grown mystery meat, bug-riddled foods, and hormone-laden animals. We want to see more people taking health into their own hands and changing the world, one pasture at a time. That’s why we want to share our knowledge to all those interested. The foray into farming can be exciting, and also daunting — especially if you’re new to it all. That’s where we come in.

We offer consultation services to guide you every step of the way. Whether you’re looking to cultivate a sustainable homestead, curate top-quality genetics for your livestock, or simply want to learn more about responsible farming practices, we’re here to help.

Questions about our animals?

Our poultry is fed an entirely vegetarian diet